2. In the OMUI.XX-YY folder for the specific language customize the config.xml as listed below:
3. Install the Language with the following command, where the setup.exe is the original from the office 2007 source, not from the language pack.
\\server\office\setup.exe /config \\server\office\omui.xx-yy\config.xml
I'm installing Finnish and Swedish language pack into Office 2007 running on Ubuntu and CrossOver for Linux. Office installed weel and runs OK, but when I'm installing the language pack I get in the beginning an error message telling that there is no Office installation on the computer and installation is aborted.
Maybe there is some easier way to solve the problem, but thus unattended setup might work.
My question - what do you mean by copying the language pack's source files to the Office installation. What files do you mean, it seems for me that the source files are hidden in some cab-files.
i meant coping the whole folderstructure into the Office Root
e.g. ACCESS.IT-IT, WORD.IT-IT, Setup.exe...
Best regards
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