
vbScript - Migrate Collections from SMS to SCCM

This script will migrate all collections from on site sms/sccm to another one
Be careful: Never run the script in your production until you've tested it!!!

Option Explicit
'On Error Resume Next
Dim strSourceServer : strSourceServer = "SMSServer"
Dim strTargetServer : strTargetServer = "SCCMServer"
Dim strSourceSiteCode : strSourceSiteCode = "000"
Dim strTargetSiteCode : strTargetSiteCode = "000"
dim intRuleCounter : intRuleCounter = 0
dim strRuleName(100)
Dim strRuleQuery(100)
Dim strLimitToColl(100)
Dim strCollectionRefType
Dim strCollectionRefShd
Dim Token, schedule, schedtype
Dim bolScheduleAvailable : bolScheduleAvailable = False
Dim objSourceWMIService, objTargetWMIService
Dim AllCollections, objCollection
Dim strCollectionName, strCollectionComment
Dim AllParentCollections, objParentCollections, strParentCollectionName, strNewParentCollectionID
Dim objRules, RuleSet
Dim bolLimitCollExisting : bolLimitCollExisting = False
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objLogFile : Set objLogFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("MigrateCollections.log")

Set objSourceWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strSourceServer & "\root\sms\site_" & strSourceSiteCode)
Set objTargetWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strTargetServer & "\root\sms\site_" & strTargetSiteCode)

objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Migrating Collections from " &strSourceServer &" to " &strTargetServer

'Loop trought all collections exsisting on the source server
Set AllCollections = objSourceWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection WHERE NAME NOT LIKE 'All%' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'Root%'")
For Each objCollection In AllCollections
strCollectionName = objCollection.Name
strCollectionComment = objCollection.Comment

objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Now migrating the Collection " &objCollection.Name

Set objCollection = objSourceWMIService.Get("SMS_Collection='" & objCollection.CollectionID & "'" )

'Get Collection schedule
On Error Resume Next
Set schedule=objCollection.RefreshSchedule(0)
On Error GoTo 0

If err.number = 424 Then
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Collection has no Schedule " &objCollection.Name
ElseIf err.number <> 0 Then
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - An Error (" &err.number &") occured while getting the Update Schedule from " &objCollection.Name
On Error Resume Next

Select Case (schedtype)
Case "SMS_ST_RecurInterval"
Set Token = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_ST_RecurInterval").SpawnInstance_()
If schedule.MinuteSpan <> 0 Then Token.MinuteSpan = schedule.MinuteSpan
If schedule.HourSpan <> 0 Then Token.HourSpan = schedule.HourSpan
If schedule.DaySpan <> 0 Then Token.DaySpan = schedule.DaySpan
If schedule.MinuteDuration <> 0 Then Token.MinuteDuration = schedule.MinuteDuration
If schedule.HourDuration <> 0 Then Token.HourDuration = schedule.HourDuration
If schedule.DayDuration <> 0 Then Token.DayDuration = schedule.DayDuration
Token.StartTime = schedule.StartTime

bolScheduleAvailable = True
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - SMS_ST_RecurInterval Schedule available " &objCollection.Name

Case "SMS_ST_RecurWeekly"
Set Token = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_ST_RecurWeekly").SpawnInstance_()
If schedule.MinuteDuration <> 0 Then Token.MinuteDuration = schedule.MinuteDuration
If schedule.HourDuration <> 0 Then Token.HourDuration = schedule.HourDuration
If schedule.DayDuration <> 0 Then Token.DayDuration = schedule.DayDuration
If schedule.ForNumberOfWeeks <> 0 Then Token.ForNumberOfWeeks = schedule.ForNumberOfWeeks
If schedule.Day <> 0 Then Token.Day = schedule.Day
Token.StartTime = schedule.StartTime

bolScheduleAvailable = True
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - SMS_ST_RecurWeekly Schedule available " &objCollection.Name

Case "SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByDate"
Set Token = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByDate").SpawnInstance_()
If schedule.MinuteDuration <> 0 Then Token.MinuteDuration = schedule.MinuteDuration
If schedule.HourDuration <> 0 Then Token.HourDuration = schedule.HourDuration
If schedule.DayDuration <> 0 Then Token.DayDuration = schedule.DayDuration
If schedule.ForNumberOfMonths <> 0 Then Token.ForNumberOfMonths = schedule.ForNumberOfMonths
If schedule.MonthDay <> 0 Then Token.MonthDay = schedule.MonthDay
Token.StartTime = schedule.StartTime

bolScheduleAvailable = True
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByDate Schedule available " &objCollection.Name

Case "SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday"
Set Token = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday").SpawnInstance_()
If schedule.MinuteDuration <> 0 Then Token.MinuteDuration = schedule.MinuteDuration
If schedule.HourDuration <> 0 Then Token.HourDuration = schedule.HourDuration
If schedule.DayDuration <> 0 Then Token.DayDuration = schedule.DayDuration
If schedule.ForNumberOfMonths <> 0 Then Token.ForNumberOfMonths = schedule.ForNumberOfMonths
If schedule.WeekOrder <> 0 Then Token.WeekOrder = schedule.WeekOrder

Token.StartTime = schedule.StartTime
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday Schedule available " &objCollection.Name

bolScheduleAvailable = True

Case "SMS_ST_NonRecurring"
Set Token = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_ST_NonRecurring").SpawnInstance_()
If schedule.MinuteDuration <> 0 Then Token.MinuteDuration = schedule.MinuteDuration
If schedule.HourDuration <> 0 Then Token.HourDuration = schedule.HourDuration
If schedule.DayDuration <> 0 Then Token.DayDuration = schedule.DayDuration
Token.StartTime = schedule.StartTime

bolScheduleAvailable = True
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - SMS_ST_NonRecurring Schedule available " &objCollection.Name

Case Else
bolScheduleAvailable = False
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Unknown Schedule (skipping) " &objCollection.Name
End Select

End If

'Get Collection Rules
If Not IsNull(objCollection.CollectionRules) Then
objRules = objCollection.CollectionRules

For Each RuleSet In objRules
intRuleCounter = intRuleCounter + 1
strRuleName(intRuleCounter) = RuleSet.Rulename
strRuleQuery(intRuleCounter) = RuleSet.QueryExpression
If RuleSet.LimitToCollectionID <> "" Then
strLimitToColl(intRuleCounter) = LimitColID
End If

objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Collection Rule will be migrated " &strRuleName(intRuleCounter)
'WScript.Echo "Collection without Rules: " &strCollectionName
set strRuleName(0) = Nothing
Set strRuleName(0) = Nothing
intRuleCounter = 0
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - No Collection Rule available"
End If

'Get Parent Collection
Set AllParentCollections = objSourceWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT parentCollectionID FROM SMS_CollectToSubCollect WHERE subCollectionID = '" &objCollection.CollectionID &"'")
For Each objParentCollections In AllParentCollections
'Determine the parent collections name
strParentCollectionName = GetParentCollectionName(objParentCollections.parentCollectionID)
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Parent Collections name is " &strParentCollectionName

'Determine the parent collections id on the target server
strNewParentCollectionID = GetNewParentCollectionID(strParentCollectionName)
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - New Parent Collections ID is " &strNewParentCollectionID

'Create the new collection
Call CreateCollection(strCollectionName, strCollectionComment, strNewParentCollectionID)


Function GetParentCollectionName(CollectionID)

Set AllParentCollections = objSourceWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT Name FROM SMS_Collection WHERE CollectionID = '" &CollectionID &"'")

For Each objParentCollections In AllParentCollections
GetParentCollectionName = objParentCollections.Name

End Function

Function GetNewParentCollectionID(CollectionName)

Set AllParentCollections = objTargetWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT CollectionID FROM SMS_Collection WHERE Name = '" &CollectionName &"'")
For Each objParentCollections In AllParentCollections
GetNewParentCollectionID = objParentCollections.CollectionID

End Function

Function CreateCollection(CollectionName, CollectionComment, ParentCollectionID)

Dim newCollection
Dim collectionPath
Dim newSubCollectToSubCollect
Dim queryRule, newQueryRule
Dim newCollectionRule
Dim i

' Create the collection.
Set newCollection = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_Collection").SpawnInstance_
newCollection.Comment = CollectionComment
newCollection.Name = CollectionName
newCollection.OwnedByThisSite = True
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Collection created " &CollectionName

'Create Update Schedule for Collection
If bolScheduleAvailable = True Then
newCollection.RefreshSchedule = Array(Token)
newCollection.RefreshType = 2
End If
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Configured Collection Schedule " &CollectionName

Set collectionPath = newCollection.Put_

'Set Parent Collection
Set newSubCollectToSubCollect = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_CollectToSubCollect").SpawnInstance_
newSubCollectToSubCollect.parentCollectionID = ParentCollectionID
newSubCollectToSubCollect.subCollectionID = CStr(collectionPath.Keys("CollectionID"))
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Configured th Parent Collection " &CollectionName

'Create Query Memebership Rule
Set queryRule = objTargetWMIService.Get("SMS_CollectionRuleQuery")
Set newCollection = objTargetWMIService.Get(collectionPath.RelPath)

For i = 1 To intRuleCounter
'Create the query rule.
Set newQueryRule = QueryRule.SpawnInstance_
newQueryRule.QueryExpression = strRuleQuery(i)
newQueryRule.RuleName = strRuleName(i)
If strLimitToColl(i) <> "" Then newQueryRule.LimitToCollectionID = strLimitToColl(i)
'Add the new query rule to a variable.
Set newCollectionRule = newQueryRule
'Add the rules to the collection.
newCollection.AddMembershipRule newCollectionRule
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Added Collection Rules " &CollectionName

'Call RequestRefresh to initiate the collection evaluator.
newCollection.RequestRefresh False

'Clean Variables
On Error Resume Next
Set Token = Nothing
Set schedule = Nothing
Set newCollection = Nothing
bolScheduleAvailable = False
schedtype = ""
intRuleCounter = 0
On Error GoTo 0

End Function
objLogFile.WriteLine Now &" - Finish"
WScript.Echo "Done"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

works realy good, is there any option to include subcolletions also for migration?