
NULL Values in SCCM Hardware Inventory

I tried to capture the value of the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\YOURCOMPANY\Department from all systems independed of the OS architecture. I had the problem that the inventory delivered NULL Values in the database, although everything seemed to be configured correctly. The problem occurred very sporadic. Sometimes a system delivered a value and sometimes it didn’t.
Here’s my basic configuration.mof and sms_def.mof

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
#pragma deleteclass("CustomHINV86", NOFAIL)
class CustomHINV86
[key] string KeyName = "";
string Department;

instance of CustomHINV86
Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
#pragma deleteclass("CustomHINV64", NOFAIL)
class CustomHINV64
[key] string KeyName = "";
string Department;

instance of CustomHINV64
Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
#pragma deleteclass("CustomHINV86", NOFAIL)
SMS_Group_Name("Your Custom HINV"),
SMS_Class_ID("YOURCOMPANYYour Custom HINV1.0"),
SMS_Context_1 ("__ProviderArchitecture=32uint32"),
SMS_Context_2 ("__RequiredArchitecture=trueboolean")]

Class CustomHINV86: SMS_Class_Template
[SMS_Report(TRUE),key] string KeyName;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] String Department;

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
#pragma deleteclass("CustomHINV64", NOFAIL)
SMS_Group_Name("Your Custom HINV"),
SMS_Class_ID("YOURCOMPANYYour Custom HINV1.0"),
SMS_Context_1 ("__ProviderArchitecture=64uint32"),
SMS_Context_2 ("__RequiredArchitecture=trueboolean")]

Class CustomHINV64: SMS_Class_Template
[SMS_Report(TRUE),key] string KeyName;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] String Department;

The result was the following entry in the SQL table
3313114.09.2010 16:59:19NULLCustomHINV

That’s the problem!
As the hardware inventory listed above is designed for both OS architecture, there should be created two entries in the table. I then compared those entries with some working one, from another customization and saw the differences.
The entries were overwritten, as the column KeyName0 is not unique. This also explained the sporadic behavior. Depending on which inventory entry (32bit or 64 bit) was written into the database in which order, the first one was overwritten.
The correct entries for a 64 bit system should look like this:
3313114.09.2010 16:59:19NULLCustomHINV86
3313114.09.2010 16:59:19MyValueCustomHINV64

So the result was to customize the configuration.mof file the get unique KeyName0 columns. Here it is:
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
#pragma deleteclass("CustomHINV86", NOFAIL)
class CustomHINV86
[key] string KeyName = "";
string Department;

instance of CustomHINV86
Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
#pragma deleteclass("CustomHINV64", NOFAIL)
class CustomHINV64
[key] string KeyName = "";
string Department;

instance of CustomHINV64
Dynamic, Provider("RegPropProv")]